フランス語ベースの人のご近所さんは日付がちゃんとそれっぽく「6 juin 07」みたいになってる。
当然、英語べースのひと、ursulaさんだと、「Jun 6, 2007」
フランス語ベースの人のご近所さんは日付がちゃんとそれっぽく「6 juin 07」みたいになってる。
当然、英語べースのひと、ursulaさんだと、「Jun 6, 2007」
I recognize the language, but I can't read it. ;)
I'm curious what this is all about, though!
投稿情報: ursula | 2007/06/07 03:38
Well, I kinda get the part about the dates, or at least the significance of the clips. But still curious about the rest!
投稿情報: ursula | 2007/06/07 03:39
Wow, Thx for comment, ursula.
This post is about "Well done, Vox team !! your internationalization is good !"
I give a credit about your post about languages. 13 !? Wow !!
投稿情報: yasuyuki | 2007/06/07 03:46
Well, like I said .. it's just ability to recognize it, not that I can read it at all!
How many do you think you recognize when you see them?
投稿情報: ursula | 2007/06/07 15:17
OK, Let me try it, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English, French, Italian, German, Russian Arabic are OK but Spanish ? Greek ? Hebrew ?
So I'd say less than 10...
May be this is because we are very monolithic if the languages are concerned.
投稿情報: yasuyuki | 2007/06/08 17:56
The 13 I was thinking of for myself were: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Hebrew, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Vietnamese, Korean, and Arabic.
I'd like to include Dutch but I don't know if I can always distinguish it from Swedish or Finnish or Norwegian except by virtue of it not including special characters.
投稿情報: ursula | 2007/06/12 17:02